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Selectmen's Minutes 02/26/2007

February 26, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, and Richard Leone.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Frederick Gallup

OTHERS:  Ronald Verblauw, Catherine Bushueff, Jim Williams, Carolyn Stoddard, Dan Banks, David Little, Andrew Sharp, Aaron Simpson, David Bailey, Joseph Collins, Charles Smith and Ron Greenleaf.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


A.  Police Chief David Cahill and Ron Greenleaf

Police Lt. Joseph Collins represented the Police Chief.  Lt. Collins introduced Ron Greenleaf who has been hired as the prosecutor for the Sunapee Police Department to fill the vacancy created when Michael Johnson left the position.

The next appointment was not present yet so the Selectmen took up the next item.


Please see agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.    Guidelines Alternate Solid Waste

Stephen White presented the Board with a report on alternate waste handling facilities.  He and a number of other residents of Sunapee and the Town Manager visited the Hebron/Bridgewater facility.  This facility uses a mixture of recycling and incineration.  A copy of S. White’s report is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  The Board of Selectmen asked him to submit a report in order to use it to set up a committee to study
Board of Selectmen
February 26, 2007

solid waste and recycling.  It was requested that anyone interested in being on the committee, contact the Selectmen’s Office.  S. White read a list of what he recommends that the committee be charged with and he volunteered to become the Selectmen’s representative to this committee.   This item will be on the agenda the second meeting of March to set up the committee. Catherine Bushueff stated she was all for recycling but expressed concerns that those appointed to a committee to study alternative waste facilities should have the proper background such as a health specialist, those interested in environmental issues, etc.  Richard Leone stated that he believes that the Board of Selectmen should proceed with caution when setting up a committee that could be tackling a very controversial issue.


B.  David Little & David Bailey:  Granliden

David Little introduced himself as the General Manager of Granliden Community Association.  He also introduced the engineer for the Association, Andrew Sharp.  D. Little explained to the Board that Granliden Association has received permission from the Sunapee Water Commissioners to build a transmission line from the end at Dewey Beach to Granliden.  D. Little explained the path of the transmission line to the Board.   When the line is finished, the Association will turn it over to the Sunapee Water and Sewer Department to become part of the infrastructure.  D. Little stated that he and the engineer asked to speak with the Selectmen to find out what needs to be done now and to see if they would need a right-of-way to go over the town property since they would be giving the line to the town.  They now have very preliminary plans and realize that final engineering plans will need to be approved by the Town.  The Association will be doing all of the labor.  Neither labor nor equipment from the water department will be used.  Richard Leone asked if the Association had given any consideration to allowing other homes that may be along the line to tie into it.  D. Little responded that this has been given thought and the commissioners even said they may tie into the line in the future.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she thought the Selectmen should be informed of the difference in cost of taking a shorter line rather than the longer one.  D. Little will bring in the paper work for the Selectmen to share.  D. Nashawaty also explained to the Board that the NH Protection for Forests and Sunapee Conservation Commission would have to approve placement of the water line.  She is also concerned that she is hearing hesitation about going the shorter route through the town forest and believes other routes should be investigated.  William Roach reminded them that just because a water line is being placed along your property does not mean that the owner has to tie into it.  

Board of Selectmen
February 26, 2007

B.  HB 769 & HB 770

Representative Sue Gotling was present to discuss the proposed house bills with the Selectmen.  Discussion was held about presentation on the floor.  The Selectmen reviewed a letter drafted by Donna Nashawaty to Representative Theberge of Berlin asking his support of  HB 769-FN  The Selectmen made  small changes to the letter and it was approved for Emma Smith’s signature.  A copy of the letter is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  

C.  Joint Legislative Task Force on Adequacy Forum

Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with copies of a forum scheduled to discuss constitutionally adequate education.  The Claremont forum is being held March 12th at 6:30 PM at the Maple Avenue Elementary School.  As this would be the evening of a scheduled Selectmen’s meeting, the Board agreed to attend the forum and reschedule the Selectmen’s meeting for Wednesday, March 14th.

D.  Safe Routes to School Program

The Selectmen received information from the NH Dept. of Transportation regarding safe routes to school.  The information was sent to the schools as well as the town.  Discussion was held on the amount of traffic that passes through Sunapee each day.  The Board agreed to see what the School Board recommends on the information.


A.  Review Feeding of Aquatic Birds Ordinance

Donna Nashawaty reported that the Health Officer asked her to address this issue with the Selectmen.  Some residents of Sunapee have complained to the Health Officer that people are feeding ducks on the river.  They have complained that these ducks have become a nuisance to these residents.  The town has no ordinances that address this.  D. Nashawaty explained that the people who have been feeding the ducks have been approached to try to educate them on this.  The Police Chief is checking with Fish and Game and she has checked with other communities that have dealt with this problem.  Emma Smith recommended that Fish and Game be asked to take action.  D. Nashawaty will pass that along.  

B.  Review of Surplus Property

Donna Nashawaty asked the Selectmen what their procedure was on selling of surplus property.   She explained that the town has a 1983 ¾ ton Chevy truck that has been used by approximately every department.  The truck has been sitting at the Transfer Station for
Board of Selectmen
February 26,2007

about 3 years.  D. Nashawaty explained that someone has approached the town to ask if they could purchase the truck.  She asked if the Board wanted her to offer the truck for sale by sealed bid.  The Board agreed and D. Nashawaty will advertise the truck.


Emma Smith stated that she noticed in the Selectmen’s reading material that a certified public managers program is being offered and encouraged Donna Nashawaty to attend.  D. Nashawaty responded that there was a long time commitment that had to be made and she did not feel she had the time to attend.

Donna Nashawaty announced that on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:30 AM she will be on the radio program WNTK to discuss the items that are on the ballot.  Also the Solid Waste meeting for Tuesday night will be held at the Newport Opera House.

Donna Nashawaty reported that the Dept. of Labor came to the office to audit without notice.  The town was found to have violations.  She has initiated procedures to correct these.

The Selectmen reviewed the 2006 Town Reports.  Donna Nashawaty will deliver one copy to Guy Alexander, who the report was dedicated to, on Tuesday.

The Selectmen entered non-public session at 9:35 PM in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a) dismissal or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee. The roll call vote was unanimous.  The Selectmen left non-public session at 10:40 PM.   A hand vote was unanimous to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

The Selectmen entered non-public session at 10:41 PM in accordance with RSA
91-A:3, II (c ) matters that would affect someone’s reputation (other than a
member of the board holding the hearing) if made public.  The hand vote was
unanimous.  The Selectmen left non-public session at 10:55 PM.  The voice vote
was unanimous.  A hand vote was taken to seal the minutes.  The vote was 3
in favor and 1 abstaining.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 PM.

Board of Selectmen
February 26, 2007

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup